Thursday, March 10

with a move, comes a blog

Tomorrow we move into our home, our "soma home"!  I really tried very hard the past two months to stay calm and distanced myself from what could have been all-consuming excitement by repeating the "you-never-knows" that are involved in buying a house.  Because you do really never know; one day M and I (if you know us...) were running by this cute house and the next we threw our price (a low one!) in the hat to say "at least we tried," not at all expecting to have a house at the end.  Well guess what!  We have one.

It's a 1948 Cape Cod; when we saw it we immediately thought of all the wonderful houses we saw on our honeymoon.  Cedar shakes, white trim, bright painted door, lead windows, even hydrangea bushes!  Cute dormers and awnings dress up the front and we have a couple huge trees in the backyard.  I already have plenty of house and garden plans.... (Do I garden?  We'll see.)

 I've been meaning to start this blog for so long!  I'm hoping it is a place where I can organize my thoughts, chronicle my life's happenings and catch up with friends I've been missing.  I may have paint colors and remodeling on my mind, but this blog's domestic beginnings will hopefully grow to encompass much more.