Monday, January 9

*re*color your world

colors pretty much sums us up, right?  you're an autumn, you're a spring.  you decorate with rich & warm colors or cool & serene ones.  if you're like me, half of your wardrobe is a specific color and as hard as you try to "branch out," you can't.  because it's your color.

in the line above is "my color" & the colors i like with it, oh and some bold accents too.
i'm going to have a solo painting party & change our walls from white to not so white.  i will always love white, but when every wall of your house is white you start to question whether your house is clean or just sterile.

so in an effort to rejuvenate, i'm bringing more color into my world.
am i being a little silly and overly dramatic about paint colors?

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