ciao! i don't know if you've noticed, but i've been away.
away from my computer in a far off, romantic country.

away from my computer in a far off, romantic country.
that's correct. italy!
between preparing to travel, traveling, and returning from travel, a month has past between posts. wow. but, i have about a million words regarding our trip to share and approximately 4,000 pictures... i promise to edit myself;)
it was all very wonderful.
we went to venice, orvieto, rome, siena, florence and lucca. i came home actually desiring a little vacation from my vacation! a pretty nice problem to have, i suppose. in traveling i think you discover much about yourself. you know, how you handle not speaking the language of where you are, tracking down the train when you need it, finding your hotel, ordering food when you're not sure what it is.
you also discover culture! art! olive trees! wine! medieval hill towns! architecture! gelato!
we had the goal of eating gelato at least twice a day. i'm proud to say we met, and on a couple occasion exceeded, our goal. that's 4+ scoops a day!
so anyway, i will be sharing our time in each of the towns we visited.
coming up? venice! stayed tuned... you know, if you want:) & you do... you really do! trust.
I can't wait to see your Italy photos and read about your trip. I am sure you loved Florence--it is one of my favorite places. I will eagerly await future posts. Beth T.