Saturday, July 14

an announcement

i'm pretty sure that all who read this blog know "the announcement," but i thought it best to write it here before it gets weird not to.

see lately, i've been eating a lot of the following:

*chocolate milk
*subway subs
*cottage cheese

for a good while i have not been eating the following:

*anything with tomatos
*anything italian, including pizza, bruschetta, spaghetti
*red meat (ok, this has been like forever)
*poultry i've seen raw
*soft cheeses
*things with raw egg
*most teas ;(
*tuna ;(

yes, so maybe i should get to the point.  i've had the most intense food cravings and aversions for the last 6 months.

because i'm having a baby.
we're having a baby!

on thanksgiving.

cool, eh?  yeah, it continues to be a miracle to us too.
so if you stumble upon me looking like i doubled, i have.
(don't judge me eating a footlong sub and not being at all full, it's you know, the baby's fault.)

{20 weeks bump}

i'm 21 weeks and had my ultrasound yesterday.  the baby was all curled up and while the tech guessed the gender, i need to have another ultrasound in two weeks to confirm for sure and get better images.  we'll see!
so you can count on baby related posts from here on out, but don't fret, they won't alllll be baby related!
(just most of them?)


  1. YAY Britt!!! funny, my cravings are very Italian centered. mmmmm pizza

  2. So happy for you, Britt! Wishing you and baby a safe, healthy journey!

  3. I can't wait for the future posts! Adorable! Good luck with the cravings... Sounds delicious!
