Friday, July 20

notes on pregnancy {22 weeks}


so i'm 22 weeks now and pretty much showing every one of those weeks.
(and my wardrobe of 99% horizontal stripes isn't helping!)

i never thought i'd be into the belly shot pictures, i mean, if there happened to be like three or four pictures of me pregnant, i thought that was sufficient.  but it's such a crazy thing to go through that curiousity gets you and you just have to document it.  obviously it's very cool and special, but so bizarre!

i'm feeling really good and think i'm in the honeymoon phase... after you feel sick and "off" for 3 months, but before you feel as big as a house for the last 3.  i do wonder how a woman's back literally doesn't break in two with the added cargo... i have a long way to go and it already aches!  but besides that (and the heat!), it's been fun so far, can't complain.

i was really naive going into this.  i kind of thought you could somewhat control the way your body changes, i.e. how much you gain, but i really don't think you can.  pretty much kind of a science experiment that you just go along with.  very neat in that way, but incredibly weird too!

and it also becomes all you think about.  i'm trying to be a normal human being and think about other topics, mainly tom & katie's divorce (haha), but it's difficult.  and nine months is a really long time to be thinking about a single thing.  i'm keeping busy with planning many craft projects and finishing our basement (it's happening!  for real!  this week the work commences!), so those distractions are helping... somewhat;)

oh!  and i feel the baby moving all the time, kind of a new normal.  neat-o.


  1. I'm so excited for you and so glad you're feeling well! I just got this great new sewing book "Handmade Beginnings" by Anna Maria Horner that I think you would love. There are lots of great things to make for the little one and a few things for you too. I hope you keep feeling well, thanks for the updates!

  2. thank you becky for the book suggestion, i'll have to check it out! i love the crafting possiblities!
