Monday, September 10

notes on pregnancy: 30 weeks!

{30 weeks bump}

did i really just write the number 30?  very hard to believe.  honestly, i'm to the point of pregnancy where i can't remember life before it.  yet, weeks beginning with the number 3 seemed very far off and intangible for such a long time that i'm shocked i'm here.  i'm happy about it!

i really now understand how the transition from being a normal person to being completely baby crazed happens to everyone, even if they fight against it.  you say from the onset that you'll maintain your social life (haha, what social life?) and still participate in intellectual conversations (did i ever do that?).  most people assume that your interests pre-baby won't be compromised too much and that you'll retain your general you-ness.  you'll be you, just with a baby.

well, i'm still hoping all that stuff is mostly true, but the reality is that when you literally grow a human being for three-quarters of a year, it's very difficult to maintain a normal brain, function the way you did before, and not think about the baby nearly all of your waking hours (which includes middle of the night hours too, since you're up in preparation for tending the little one... already).

honestly, i'm quite fond of this phase, i feel like i have a great deal of purpose.  a lot of being pregnant reminds me of being a runner.  you're so aware of your body, all the aches (!) and things, and you're ultimately prepping for a pretty significant physical challenge.  in the beginning of the "race" you worry about whether you can do it, how long it'll take, the pain.  but in the end, you're so happy you did it, you feel utterly rewarded and thankful for the opportunity.  uh, i'm hoping this is how i feel before/during/after labor.  

(side note: be cautious when watching birth related youtube videos... you may never have children as a result.)  anyway, let's push that topic off (get it?) for a while.

some notes on pregnancy, seeing as i'm as pregnant as i've ever been (mike likes to tell me that!).

- my back hurts a lot.  i feel like an old person.  in a non-pregnant state you can twist and arch your back and contort until you feel better.  you just can't when you're this convex.
- i don't remember my body before this... really.  i do recall sleeping on my stomach and loving it.  i miss that.
- the whole eating a footlong sub and then some period is no more.  i fill up a lot quicker and feel like i'm going to explode if i overeat!
- my skin is the best it's ever been, which is really weird considering i'm having a girl...
- i'm winded from being winded.  my lungs are always searching for air... and coming up short!
- i'm starting to have a real urge to nest!  sewing, natural cleaning products, all of that goodness.  too bad i get tired just by sitting up!  (as opposed to laying...)  hopefully things will somewhat be in order for baby.

anyway, things are going well.  we've been reading dr. oz's book on pregnancy (i take his words very seriously!  what a guy.) and am scheduling a massage soon based on his doctorly orders.  he also says i should already be making play dates for me and the baby with other moms and babies, so that we have events to look forward to and people to see... besides each other.  so, anyone out there want to make a date?  it'll be a super fun time, filled with bottles, pacifiers and naps!

30 weeks!  wahoooooo!!!