Sunday, October 21

notes on pregnancy: 32 weeks

i've neglected blogging, but here's a post started and not finished;)

{32 week bump picture here. if there was one!}

i now waddle.  yes, pretty sure i go as much left to right as i do forward while walking these days.  i've been feeling like a really lame old person lately, complaining about my sciatica and my ailing back.  it all frankly kind of hurts.  again, it's all very worth it!  but lately, i've had such a difficult time remembering how it felt to breath and move normally that i'm a bit freaked out.

not really sure how my body will handle eight more weeks of growing. 
women have been doing this forever, and it just boggles my mind!  the majority of pregnancy is totally fun, but i've definitely hit the stage where i want the baby out!  nature really does work wonders in that way.

i feel like i've been pregnant forever.  it's been the longest anticipation for christmas morning ever and it'll be incredibly surreal when i do, in fact, have this baby!  who just happens to be 4+ pounds now, basically the length she will be at birth, and healthy!.... it's all getting so real, so amazing!

lately, i've been getting the "when are you due" question a lot.
it makes me a bit worried that i look so ready to have this baby when i'm actually two months away, but honestly, most of these inquiries are from men who don't have a clue;)

for now, i'm just going to sleep a lot while i still can and enjoy this amazing fall, which i consider "baby season."  i'm going to cherish all the goofy moves my belly makes (which happens all the time!) and celebrate things going well.  i'll try to not eat too much more ice cream during this pregnancy, and concentrate on all the crafting i need to do before baby soma arrives (i'm sewing little dresses... awww).  i'll finish the nursery!  and i'll continue to be super duper excited to meet my kid!  wow!

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