Wednesday, November 14

you can call him doctor

{m & his advisor}

until this week, i've never known m as a non-student.

i am so very happy & proud to write that he defended his thesis, passed with praise & after five-and-a-half years of hard work, is a doctor... the PhD kind;)

he's walking around excited about all the "free time" he'll have, now that he's not coming home from work, only to work more.  i'm excited about it too!
(i'm trying not to burst his bubble by mentioning the whole impending newborn thing!)

anyway, i'm relieved for him and know that he's already scheming some new way to advance his statistical skills, the guy can't go five minutes without learning something new.  i try to lead by example by watching real housewives or surfing facebook, but no no, he's dedicated and is already throwing out words like "publishing" and "book" and such.  he's so very smart and i wonder daily how i got so lucky and how he puts up with my subpar math smarts.
job well done, m!

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