Sunday, July 17

pretty containers & things.

Before I get going, M recently informed me that I write this blog from a bit of an anonymous voice; I don't really include many pictures of myself or talk much about where I've been or what I'm doing, outside of crafts and such.  I agree.  This is kind of a weak point for me.  All the blogs I follow are written by women who constantly are "seen" on their blog and must really have mastered self-timers.  I truly enjoy feeling like I know them, because of how very present they are on the blog.  I can consider them pseudo friends and I suppose it'd be nice if the same could be said of me.  One of the main reasons I started this blog was to connect with friends I miss and people I'd like to know better.  So hold me accountable, whoever is reading this!  I will try to break the cyber barrier and let more of myself be seen on somahome.  I'm really hoping you will too.

But for today, I'm going to stick with what's comfortable.  Containers!

Lord, I know.  You really probably are growing weary of my love of jars and things.  But I do have new containers to share.

A very generous, sweet friend brought me back La Fermiere yogurt containers from Paris.  In France, because they are cooler and more refined than us Americans, they eat their yogurt from beautiful, craft-filled ceramic containers.  They're glazed in different colors, mine are periwinkle blue with a terra cotta base, and come with tinfoil seals which you peel away to get to the decadent yogurt.

Remember how I mentioned I bought some pretty containers from Ikea?  I filled them with hydrangeas.  White paired with white.  Lovely.


Found these packed away.  What itsy bitsy plant do you suggest I put in them?

I had a birthday very recently, but I don't like to discuss it.  I kid, we're all still young.  It must be our mantras.  Anyway, my artsy aunt gave me a homemade terrarium.  Do you know what these are?  Martha loves making them, or so it seems.

They're pretty magical and are basically miniature forests in a jar.  You start with varied sizes of rocks and layer soil, moss and other ground creeping plants, and top with baby ferns, etc.  They can get really elaborate and are really easy to maintain, all you do is mist them (yes, mist) with water.  Voila.  I've had mine all of a day, so here's hoping it stays alive!

Tis berry season.  We've inherited many black and red raspberries.  What should I make?  Beyond jam... Some sort of tort or fancy pastry I can't pronounce?  Maybe a refreshing, antioxidant filled smoothie?  I must decide quickly, these little berries perish faaaast.  But aren't they incredibly pretty?

A whole post devoted to containers must have a picture of a ball jar.  Sorry, it just has to be.

Baking is more fun with these gallon jars.  Makes me feel like I'm living in a candy shoppe.  (And isn't if fun and pretentious to spell shop as shoppe?)

Finally, while organizing the kitchen I snapped some pictures of all our stuff; turns out, we have a lot of containers.  Just how I like it.

If I've missed any sort of pretty container, please let me know.  As you know, I'm always in the market!


  1. love!!!! where did you get that ball jar? the lid is gorgeous (:

  2. i stole the ball jar from my gma;)

  3. i request a soma family picture of some summer activity! :)

  4. No! It's ok if you write in an anonymous voice! That way the voice always fits my mental image. I picture you sort of like a younger Martha, but in a homemade gardening hat! You've probably never been to jail though lol.

    Those yogurt containers are perfect. The French have it all figured out. Eating yogurt shouldn't be just another everyday thing! It should be a decadent, luxurious experience! Imagine pulling an earthenware crock of yogurt from the stack in your cool cellar, enjoying the thick, silky treat, and then crushing the container into your garden path when you're done. Wonderful!

  5. Charlie, you're too sweet. Naturally, I did weave my own gardening hat! A "younger Martha" is about as big a compliment as you could give me, so thank you!

    The French are so stylish and chic. Have you been? It is my biggest life goal... To eat yogurt from ceramics in the South of France and to feel really cool doing it!!!

  6. I just bought some of the same yogurt at the marche near me, wondering what the deal was with these lovely cups! I'm already obsessed. lovely blog post!

    we're au courant
