Tuesday, July 5


As I've written, I'm growing a potted herb garden.  My results have been mixed, but I'm happy to say my mint plant is doing well.  So, I've started infusing mint into my water.

(This sounds kind of uppity doesn't it?  "Infusing" and all.  You'll be happy to know my water is from the tap.)

 Add a bit of lemon or lime juice, sugar optional, and you have a refreshing drink.  If you're really getting fancy, orange or cucumber slices are great add-ins.  Let me know what you think!


  1. My brother has great mint plants in his garden too and I've tried this little concoction. Delish! I'm thinking a mint plant is something I maybe wouldn't kill. :)

  2. Gosh, I'm with you on the keep-it-alive issues! The mint works in a mojito too;)

  3. i like mint and all,but really i love these pics!

  4. thanks! there's some perks to having a bright yellow countertop... i think?!?
