Thursday, August 18

last friday night

A lot of people's Friday nights are reserved for dramatic "Thank God!" activities, like dinner, dancing, movies... craziness.

Here's how I spent last Friday.

First, I made a raspberry coffee cake.  Raspberry's are becoming my new hydrangea, I love to photograph them.

After, I headed to the backyard with a cold chai latte (the first of many).

I sat beneath our healthy tree.

With a good read.

Soon after reading the contents page, I got distracted by how cute my dog is.  Sorry, but I'm obsessive.  But really, I don't take pictures of myself, so my dog is really the next best thing.  There's a lot.  So feel free to zone out.  Now.

How does an animal lay like this and remain comfortable?  Wish I could ask her.

I own this grass!  And I should mow it... or M should mow it;)

I like these in-the-grass shots.  The life of a dog is goo-oo-ood.

 Scared of the edge... aren't we all?


So that was my Friday night, what'd you do?

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