Tuesday, May 31

me, joann & the machine

This weekend I went to hit up the holiday sale at JoAnn Fabrics (yes, I'm very cool).  It was one of those mega sale on sale items events and honestly, I could have really done some serious damage.  I'll post pictures later of what I got: a wreath for the front door, materials for cafe curtains and brass curtain rods.  What I didn't get that I wanted: numerous picture frames to create an art wall, fabric to slipcover our dining chairs and ceramic color-glazed planters.  Regardless, I filled my cart, stood in line, read some fine print on a sale flyer and realized that the sale-on-sale was too good to be true.  The catch?  It only applied to those who have served in the military.  Seems fair on Memorial Day I suppose, but I really wonder, how many soldiers frequent JoAnn Fabrics?  Wasn't it a good bet by JoAnn to make a flashy sale that none of their regulars (65+ year old quilters and me) would be able to take advantage of?  Tricky, JoAnn, tricky.  Alas, no military service ID no 20% discount.

On a related thread (bada ching), a couple months ago I rescued a 1952 sewing machine from the dumpster.  It weighs a lot (a lot!) and has lots of fifties charm to it; the Sewmor 606 has cool red accents, a handy chrome wheel and neat lettering.  What a sharp looking machine, and yes, it works!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Florence and the Machine, lol!

    But, for real, how many veterans are into sewing?! Soldiers should definitely still get their discounts, especially on Memorial Day, but JoAnn should also give out double discounts to anyone in a uniform, or wearing something flaggy! What better way to honor our fighting men and women than by crafting some slipcovers right here in the USA!
