Friday, May 6

my day & nite teas

Tea, generally, begins and ends my days.  I don't drink coffee (blek... how do all of you?) and therefore, rely on white, green and black tea variations to get me through.  I used to exclusively be a chai latte girl and have eased my way into straight green or jasmine.  I've realized that I always made my green tea too strong, that the bitterness I thought was it's flavor was just my error.  Now I drink in antioxidants with delight, especially when my tea is as beautiful as this: 

I love this jasmine tea blossom from TeaSource because drinking it is such an event.  I first was introduced to it at Lucia's (a wonderful French restaurant/bakery/wine bar that deserves it's own post).  I'd never had tea in stemware, let alone tea out of a bag.  It was served scolding hot and I watched a tight ball of leaves open into a whimsical green flower, with a red center.  Depending on how you drop in the ball, the flower will open down or up, sinking or floating in the glass.  Go and treat yourself and always drink your tea like wine!

At the end of the day I have my sleepy tea, you've probably had it, tea that you drink in and immediately feel sleep tingles in your fingers.  Soothing, relaxing and even exfoliating.  Flavors like chamomile, peppermint, vanilla gingerbread, or the rare treat of Aveda's Comfort Tea, greet me each evening and how great is it that such a little something can make such a difference on one's day.  I challenge you to not feel better after a cup!

(PS. I'm planning to grow, dry, and combine my own teas.  I've planted chamomile, mint, lemon balm and lavendar... just because I can.  Yes, I love tea that much!)

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