Sunday, May 1

lovely bits

{grace kelly and all her royal beauty.}

Hello!  Hope you're staying postitive despite this dreary weather.
Here's a few lovely bits of current happenings and findings I'd like to share with you:
Like my 9-year-old neighbor, I'm very swept up by all things royal...

Kate, or should I say Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge.
(Of course she looked perfect, but did you hear how very smart and British-y she sounded saying her vows?  I had kind of forgotten that she'd have an accent... until that point, dress and train and all, I felt like she was one of us, just a prettier version.  Now I realize that she's worthy of all my idolizing... shoot!)

Pippa, Kate's sister.  I might even be partial to her.
Hold me to this, I've always found Harry to be the cuter one. (Bonus: Harry has hair.)
Hats of the Modern Fairytale.

Being British, bad teeth and all.
(Or maybe just being a princess!)

And of course, home-y things.
How old is this piece of cheese?  Label it!
(Martha Stewart's clip art in general makes me gitty.)

I read this magazine.
And this one.

I have a renewed love of Land's End.
Check out the Canvas Label.

Paul Simon's new CD, "So Beautiful or So What."
M and I are going to see him tomorrow!  Can you believe he's 70?  Sure, I suppose I can, but wow!  Very excited to see him and all of his famous-ness.

I would love some Sperry's.

Hoping I can add "the sun" to current happenings;)  Hang in there!

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