Wednesday, May 18

the {style} bike

When we arrived home to our Cape Cod, there was a 1966 Raleigh roadbike sitting in the garage.  This bike denoted style and I couldn't help imagine what might have been.  If I had been a twenty-something Modern girl when this bike was young, I would've dressed for my bike.

On my way to class or the boardwalk, I would've worn cropped cigarette pants with a striped shirt, scarf around my neck and sunglasses covering my face.  I would've had confident red lipstick, a loose bun and a little leather purse, just because it looked good.  I'd have obviously been pedalling in espadrilles, chicly, humming Tapestry.  And I would've known that I was the "It Girl."  All because of this bike. 

We sold the "style" bike.  I must come to terms with the fact that I don't ride bike, though when I watched it ride away, I was convinced that I would... for this bike.

1 comment:

  1. Looks fast! They all would have been like, "Who is that girl? She's so fast!"
